Upcoming Event: Flamenco Fundraising Event - May 31, 2025 (click for info)

Parish Life

Our parish has an active liturgical and social life. For information on services and events, please see the calendar.

For information on receiving the sacraments (baptisms, marriages, confession, communion, etc.) please contact our priests directly. For information on any of the activities below, please contact us at annunciationortho@gmail.com.

Sunday Potluck Lunches: Coffee and a light lunch are provided following Liturgy on Sundays. Parishioners are assigned to teams, with one team assigned to provide lunch each week. Please contact us to join a team.

Scripture and Elevenses: On Fridays at 11:00 am we meet to study and discuss Scripture readings or other Orthodox reading materials. ‘Elevenses’ refers to tea and a snack to tide us over until lunch. For information on meeting location, please contact us at annunciationortho@gmail.com.

Church School: Our church school usually takes place after the Divine Liturgy on Sundays. It is 20-30 minutes and is available to two age groups (under 10, and over 10). Drop-ins are welcome. No registration is required.

Parish Feasts: Our parish feasts are the Annunciation (March 25th) and St. Nicholas (December 6th). In addition to the services held for these feasts, we usually have a shared meal.

Fast-Free Friday: On the fast-free Friday before the beginning of Great Lent, we have an evening celebration together in our shared space.

Blini Lunch: We usually hold a blini (Russian pancake) lunch before the beginning of Great Lent.

Lenten Presanctified Potlucks: On Wednesdays during Great Lent we serve Presanctified Liturgies. Following these, we break our fast together with a shared Lenten meal.

Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers: We join with other Orthodox Churches in the Ottawa area to celebrate Vespers together on Sunday evenings during Great Lent. Dates and locations change every year.

Pascha: Pascha baskets are blessed at the end of the Nocturnes/Matines/Paschal Liturgy in the early hours of the morning. Following the services we stay and break out fast together. After the Paschal Vespers at 2:00 pm on Sunday, we have another party with a potluck feast.

Parish Cleaning Days: Three times per year, usually during fasting periods, we meet together to clean our building and enjoy some fellowship together along with a shared meal.

Parish Craft Nights and Parish Games Nights: These fellowship events are usually held once per month in the basement hall. The dates and times are announced in the Church Bulletin.

Church Camp: In July or August we rent space at a local campsite for a week and all members of the parish are invited to join. There are cabins to rent as well as space for tents. Organized activities and shared meals take place over the weekend.

Dalhousie Food Cupboard: We collect non-perishable food items for the Dalhousie Food Cupboard which tries to meet a vital need in our extended community.  Your donations of dried goods are most welcome. Food donations may be placed in the basket located at the front of the temple, on the left side under the icon of St Nicholas. Any support you can provide is greatly appreciated.