Upcoming Event: Christmas Bazaar - November 30, 2024 (click for info)

Donate Securities

You can donate Securities & Mutual Funds to us via Canada Helps using the button below.  A donation of securities or mutual fund shares is an efficient way to give charitably. Read more here.

The process is simple:

  1. Click this button:
  2. Answer a few basic questions using the online securities donation form. Canada Helps will ask you about the securities you’d like to donate and how to contact your financial advisor and investment firm.
  3. Complete the provided Letter of Direction form and send it to your financial advisor or investment firm. This authorizes your advisor to transfer the shares to CanadaHelps.
  4. Once CanadaHelps completes the sales, it will notify you by email and send you a tax receipt for the value of your donation. It will then disburse the funds to the charity (or charities) you’ve chosen, less an administration fee.